The Audit Solution
About the Company
Accurate Premium Audits, Inc. (APA) was incorporated in January of 1996. Its home office is located in Manchester, NH.
The president and owner of APA, Lisa Brien has over 46 years experience in premium auditing. Our dedicated staff of quality reviewers each have no less than 30 years experience in premium auditing. The entire staff is comprised of individuals who have committed their careers to the premium audit profession.
APA is committed to the profession of premium auditing. We continually dedicate time and effort to make improvements in the educational programs and the public opinion of our profession.
In addition to her duties as president of APA, Ms. Brien, also holds the following designations and memberships:
- Chairman Membership Committee, National Association of Independent Insurance Auditors and Engineers (2014-2016)
- Secretary Board of Directors, National Association of Independent Insurance Auditors and Engineers (2013-2014)
- Secretary, National Association of Independent Insurance Auditors and Engineers (2012-2013)
- National Society Of Insurance Premium Auditors "Presidents Award" 2004
- National Society of Insurance Premium Auditor's Seminar Planning Committee (2002-2004)
- National Society of Insurance Premium Auditor's Distinguished Service, National Auditor of the Year Award (2002)
- President, National Society of Insurance Premium Auditors (2000-2001)
- Senior Vice President, National Society of Insurance Premium Auditors (1998-2000)
- Second Vice President, National Society of Insurance Premium Auditors (1997-1998)
- Regional Vice President, National Society of Insurance Premium Auditors (1996-1997)
- NCCI, Education sub-committee (1995)
- PAAS, Workers Compensation sub-committee (1995)
- President, Northeast Regional Insurance Auditor's Association (1994)
- Vice President, Northeast Regional Insurance Auditor's Association (1991-1993)
- President, Insurance Auditor's Association of New Hampshire (1990)
Accurate Premium Audits Inc.
PO Box 5512 • Laconia, NH 03247 - 5512
Phone 800-633-8447 • Fax: 603-645-8444 • Email: apa@apaaudit.com